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Bookkeepers Are Thankful Too

Nov 25, 2019 11:00:57 AM Cheryl Coyle Bookkeeping

woman bookkeeper illustrationIt‘s the season of giving thanks. A time of year when we think about family and friends, delicious food, and cozy fires. As bookkeepers, there are other things we are thankful for. These are the things that make our work quicker and abundantly more efficient. They may seem like small things, but we are grateful for them.

Your Vision

We are thankful that you explain your vision. Knowing where you want your small business to be and how you want to get there makes your bookkeeper better equipped to recommend money-saving financial practices, training, or apps to get you there.


Thank you for responding to the seemingly constant requests for documents or clarification of expenses. We want to make sure your financials are correct and need your input at times.


Spending time with your bookkeeper to go over monthly financials helps ensure your business is running smoothly and that together, we are working towards your goals.

Solo Bank Accounts

Keeping your business account separate from your personal account really makes a bookkeeper’s job more efficient. We are thankful we aren’t sorting through expenses trying to determine which ones are business-related versus personal.


Efficiency is greatly increased when we have loan documents, leases, and receipts. We are grateful when you keep these items easily accessible.


If your bookkeeper knows when you need information, they can make that a priority. Providing a monthly schedule is very helpful so everyone is on the same page.


A small business owner who is receptive to cloud storage and new applications is greatly appreciated. Your bookkeeper spends time reviewing and testing apps that can provide faster and more comprehensive information. These recommendations aren’t made lightly. A lot of time and testing is involved in making sure these technologies make sense for your business.

We would love to learn about your vision and help you achieve your goals. Contact us at to see how we can help your small business. 

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Cheryl Coyle

Written by Cheryl Coyle