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Client Spotlight Interview: Resivant Medical

Feb 28, 2024 1:20:37 PM Kathy Dise QuickBooks, Nonprofit, Bookkeeping, Biotech, Outsourced Bookkeeping, Bookkeeper Near Me, Virtual Bookkeeping Services

Client Spotlight Interview: Resivant Medical

Resivant Medical-Okapi

Please meet, Resivant Medical, our remarkable client, who is tackling today's skin closure challenges with an innovative solution. Despite the traditional use of sutures and staples, which come with associated costs and sometimes unsatisfactory results, Resivant Medical is pioneering change.

The use of sutures and staples extends operating room time, and their removal during a return visit can be both painful and cost-ineffective, potentially introducing additional risks for surgical site infections. Moreover, the aftermath can leave patients with unsightly suture marks and scars.

Resivant Medical is at the forefront of redefining skin closure, aiming to eliminate sutures and staples that extend time in these challenges and provide a more effective and patient-friendly solution. We're proud to support their groundbreaking work. 

Tell Me More About Your Business.

Resivant Medical has developed Cutiva™, an exceptional adhesive-based platform. With secured and pending patents, Cutiva™ utilizes a strong yet flexible flowable adhesive, distinguishing it from existing solutions. Resivant's goal is to offer a topical skin closure that adapts to bending, stretching, and ensures steadfast adherence throughout the healing process.

The anticipated Cutiva™ platform encompasses adhesives and closure systems designed to cater to various incision lengths. It's crucial to mention that, at present, Cutiva™ has not received FDA clearance for human use. Nonetheless, Resivant Medical, recognizing the need for alternatives to sutures, has assembled a highly experienced team and is actively working towards FDA approval. The prospect of introducing this technology to medical practice is an exciting development in the field of wound closure.





What is your biggest challenge?

Developing products of this nature poses inherent challenges, primarily due to the complexity of advanced chemistry, making production a demanding task. The intricate process involves significant efforts in formulating and creating a device, with the ultimate aim of achieving differentiation in the market.

Navigating through stringent regulations adds an additional layer of complexity. It requires a delicate balance, ensuring that all necessary tasks are accomplished while operating with a dedicated and compact team actively pursuing the overarching goal. Despite the substantial efforts involved in reaching significant milestones, the journey continues with an extended road ahead.

Post-reaching milestones, the subsequent phase involves demonstrating that the product stands out as a superior alternative for current wound closure methods. This requires showcasing its distinct advantages and positioning it as a standout replacement option in the ever-evolving landscape in the medical field.

What Lead you to BudgetEase?

Our CFO, Richard Mazzola, advocated for BudgetEase based on his prior experience as a consultant and CPA. Having collaborated with BudgetEase on multiple occasions with his clients, Richard attested to the quality, value, and alignment with the culture of Resivant Medical. The recommendation stems from firsthand appreciation for the excellence and compatibility that BudgetEase brings to the financial landscape of Resivant Medical.

Why Do You Find Having Someone Else Do Your Bookkeeping Helpful?

Given the constraints of limited resources within our team, recognizing that bookkeeping demands a specialized skill-set that interfaces seamlessly with our supply chain, we prioritize maintaining a precise account tracking system. As a startup, our primary focus is on generating value, and with fractional bookkeeping, we can channel our efforts towards activities that further accelerate the creation of value. This strategic approach ensures optimal resource utilization in areas that contribute most significantly to our overall objectives.


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Kathy Dise

Written by Kathy Dise

Kathy has over 30 years experience helping small businesses succeed. As a commercial lender, commercialization expert and now as a QuickBooks diamond level advisor, Kathy understands the challenges small business owners face. Her experience helps business owners quickly accomplish their financial goals. As the owner of BudgetEase, Kathy works with clients to develop a plan to efficiently process 1,000s of small transactions so owners can make informed decisions. She lives in Shaker Heights, OH with her husband Ralph and enjoys golf, curling and walking in Cleveland’s fabulous Metro Parks.