Please meet Molly Walsh, owner of Standout Consulting, and a BudgetEase customer since 2014. We have firsthand experience of Molly's skills. She is our coach and has been instrumental in guiding BudgetEase as we've doubled in size. Molly always asks the questions that I never think to ask, is one of the first people I call in a crisis and keeps me focused when faced with life’s many distractions.
Tell me more about your business. Standout Consulting helps senior leaders and executives achieve their professional goals and manage their careers. I work with high achievers to maximize performance, manage relationships, and make career decisions that move them towards greater success.
What is your biggest challenge? We are living through interesting and uncertain times right now, and many feel that “waiting it out” is a good strategy. But in every crisis there is also opportunity, so I am encouraging my clients to be strategic about career decisions, and to continue to manage their careers actively even in the midst of uncertainty.
What lead you to call BudgetEase? Part of my work is to help my clients identify, understand, and maximize their strengths. Coaching plays to my strengths, so I strive to keep my focus on coaching. By hiring BudgetEase to manage my books, I freed up more time, energy, and focus to coach and deliver value to my clients.
Why do you find having someone else do your bookkeeping helpful? Having the expertise of BudgetEase makes it easy for me to focus on my core business of helping people manage their careers. Everyone I work with at BudgetEase is professional, responsible, knowledgeable, and helpful. They are additive to my business - for every hour that I’m not thinking about bookkeeping, I’m doing more to help my clients achieve success.
We are always excited to meet new clients. If you're looking for a bookkeeping service or help with your QuickBooks, please call!