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How to Improve your Business’s Profitability with a Budget

Mar 14, 2014 10:23:00 AM Kathy Dise QuickBooks, Budgeting, For Accountants, Bookkeeping

How to Improve your Business’s Profitability with a Budget

ID-100256074According to Willpower by Roy F. Baumeister and John Tierney, you strengthen your willpower muscle when you keep track.  For example, when you write down the food you eat your calorie intake will decrease.

Creating a budget for a small business is a great way to keep track of how you are performing compared to your expectations.  An informative budget for your business should take less than an hour to prepare, minutes to review monthly, and will provide you with loads of information you need to monitor your business.

Preparing the Budget

Prepare your budget using prior information you already have in QuickBooks. (Alt CGS) You only need to decide if you want to use prior year actuals or monthly averages for comparison. Within seconds QuickBooks software generates a basic budget for you to adjust for sales growth and expense reductions that you expect this year.  When you are done with the adjustments, save your budget and it will be there when you do your monthly reviews.

Monthly Review

After all your monthly activity, pull up a report that compares your P&L to your budget by clicking Alt-RUA.  Customize your report by month or YTD.  Take a couple minutes to see where you are hitting your targets and where you may need to make adjustments. 

Your budget will improve your willpower to make better and more profitable decisions for your company.

BudgetEase can help you with your small business bookkeeping needs, for more information about your budgeting or any other bookkeeping needs, contact us here.

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Image Credit: Finance Control by patpitchaya via
Kathy Dise

Written by Kathy Dise

Kathy has over 30 years experience helping small businesses succeed. As a commercial lender, commercialization expert and now as a QuickBooks diamond level advisor, Kathy understands the challenges small business owners face. Her experience helps business owners quickly accomplish their financial goals. As the owner of BudgetEase, Kathy works with clients to develop a plan to efficiently process 1,000s of small transactions so owners can make informed decisions. She lives in Shaker Heights, OH with her husband Ralph and enjoys golf, curling and walking in Cleveland’s fabulous Metro Parks.