So, you want to increase revenue? Who doesn’t! Here are our suggestions to increase your profit margins.
Buy an expensive car – What client doesn’t appreciate you pulling up in a swanky car? Surely, they will see how successful you are and throw business your way.
Don’t pay your taxes - This alone will increase your bank balance. Plus, you don’t have all that pesky paperwork to worry about.
Get a line of credit and go on vacation – Every small business owner needs a break to clear their head. Why save for it, do it now.
Open a new bank account but don’t tell your bookkeeper – It’s best to keep people guessing. Confusing your bookkeeper is a good start.
April Fools! Just kidding, we really don’t advocate these methods. In fact, we have several ideas to grow your business (and profits). Check out this blog to learn more about increasing your profitability.
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Happy April Fool’s Day!